
Digital Marketing Service

Digital Marketing
SEO Services Company in India

Our SEO Services Offerings At SEO Scientists – Best SEO Company in India we provide…

SEO Company in Varanasi
SEO Packages

To help your website rank higher in search engines like Google, Yahoo or Bing, at Webpulse, we provi…

Digital Marketing
Local SEO Services

Does your website rank in top 10, when local users search for your products or services online? WEBP…

Digital Marketing
Social Media Management

Reaching the people had never been so easy, thanks to social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Twit…

Digital Marketing
Google Map Promotion

We have expertize in promoting businesses locally through Google map local business promotion to dri…

Digital Marketing
Google Adwords PPC Management

Start your Google Adwords at Rs. 30,000 per month with us Get found by customers immediately they f…

Digital Marketing
Facebook Advertising

Facebook is the world’s most popular social network with a billion users, where most of intern…

Digital Marketing
Google Promotion Services

Are you still wondering if your business needs to invest in local SEO? Did you know that more than 9…

Digital Marketing
Writing Services

Writing Services Webpulse Solution Pvt. Ltd. is expertise in offering content writing solution for …

Digital Marketing
SMS Marketing Services

SMS Marketing is one of the most effective and cheapest way to reach your audience quickly. Bulk SMS…

Digital Marketing
Email Marketing Services

Despite of rise in usage of instant messaging, sms & whatsapp, bulk email marketing is still the…

Digital Marketing
Youtube Video Promotion

Videos play very important role, when it comes to drive traffic from Google. Seeing popularity of vi…

Our SEO Services

Local SEO

works best if we have a Google Business Profile that can help with sales and services that go along with it

Technical SEO

It gives businesses the right tools to improve their marketing. We resolve all the technical issues on websites

Wordpress SEO

Get #1 position on SERP with our comprehensive SEO strategies. Benefit from our organic ranking tactics.

E-Commerce SEO

Attracting potential customers and increasing sales on your website. Content is built around the products you offer and offers.

Youtube SEO

YouTube SEO is a strategy for optimizing channels and videos to improve their placement in search results.

SEO Audit

Our SEO auditors analyze the web pages of your website and determine whether they are search engine friendly or not.

SEO Company in Varanasi

Our Strategy to Secure #1 Rank on Google

Initial Consultation

Competitor analysis is at the heart of our strategy. We won’t take any further steps until we’ve analyzed your competitors’ SEO strategy.

Finding the “Right” keywords

With a “chosen” customer segment in mind, our SEO experts research keywords based on volume and complexity. We use premium SEO tools to accomplish this task.

On Page Audit

When performing an on-page audit, we measure the performance of your site on a variety of metrics. We regularly check and fix your website to stay ahead of the competition.

Content Marketing

Our team of content writers spends time learning what’s important to your customers and developing content based on that.

Backlink Submission

We find high DA/PA websites where we can leave a link to your site along with targeted keywords. As the number of backlinks increases, your site’s ranking jumps higher.

Bring the Traffic

If we fully implement our SEO strategy, your website will definitely get traffic. More traffic leads to more conversion, so our service benefits your business.

Digital Marketing Agency in Vadodara 

  We are the best Digital Marketing Agency in Vadodara We arean essential part of growing your business in the digital age, yet hiring an in-house team can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars a year.

Looking for a top-tier digital marketing agency in Vadodara? SEO Scientist is your premier choice for all your digital marketing needs. As the leading digital marketing agency in Vadodara, SEO Scientist specializes in SEO, PPC, social media marketing, and content marketing, delivering customized strategies to elevate your online presence. With a team of experienced professionals, this digital marketing agency in Vadodara is dedicated to driving measurable results and helping your business reach new heights. Choose SEO Scientist, the best digital marketing agency in Vadodara, to transform your digital landscape and achieve unparalleled success..

Few businesses can afford the salary costs, never mind the risks associated with hiring unproven individuals to take care of this vital task. As we are the Best Digital Marketing Agency in Vadodara, Fortunately, there are many excellent agencies that will do all the work for you at a fraction of the cost. 

When you hire one of these firms, you’re gaining all the benefits of their experience and getting access to a host of services tailor-made to suit your business goals from Best Digital Marketing Agency in Vadodara . 

For example, getting professional help from Digital Marketing Services in Vadodara immediately increases efficiency by streamlining marketing projects. As you’ll have a dedicated team of marketing experts for your business, every task will be completed in a shorter time and with better results from Best Digital Marketing Agency in Vadodara. They will develop new strategies regarding your business targets and improve your current marketing endeavors.

Best Digital Marketing Agency in Vadodara  of the digital marketing services that will help your business grow in these fast-paced modern times .

Digital Marketing Service

Digital Marketing
SEO Services Company in Delhi, India

Our SEO Services Offerings At SEO Scientists – Best SEO Company in Delhi NCR, we provide…

SEO Company in Varanasi
SEO Packages

To help your website rank higher in search engines like Google, Yahoo or Bing, at Webpulse, we provi…

Digital Marketing
Local SEO Services

Does your website rank in top 10, when local users search for your products or services online? WEBP…

Digital Marketing
Social Media Management

Reaching the people had never been so easy, thanks to social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Twit…

Digital Marketing
Google Map Promotion

We have expertize in promoting businesses locally through Google map local business promotion to dri…

Digital Marketing
Google Adwords PPC Management

Start your Google Adwords at Rs. 30,000 per month with us Get found by customers immediately they f…

Digital Marketing
Facebook Advertising

Facebook is the world’s most popular social network with a billion users, where most of intern…

Digital Marketing
Google Promotion Services

Are you still wondering if your business needs to invest in local SEO? Did you know that more than 9…

Digital Marketing
Writing Services

Writing Services Webpulse Solution Pvt. Ltd. is expertise in offering content writing solution for …

Digital Marketing
SMS Marketing Services

SMS Marketing is one of the most effective and cheapest way to reach your audience quickly. Bulk SMS…

Digital Marketing
Email Marketing Services

Despite of rise in usage of instant messaging, sms & whatsapp, bulk email marketing is still the…

Digital Marketing
Youtube Video Promotion

Videos play very important role, when it comes to drive traffic from Google. Seeing popularity of vi…

What Services Do Digital Marketing Services in Vadodara Offer?

  • Search Engine Optimization Services
  • Search Engine Marketing Services
  • Web Development & Web Design Services
  • Social Media Marketing Services
  • Branding Services
  • Content Marketing Services
  • Email Marketing Services
  • Creative Services

Digital Marketing Services List

You can benefit from the various services that Digital Marketing Services in Vadodara offer. Here is a list of digital marketing services that are in high demand:

1. Search Engine Optimization Services

SEO is vital to ensuring your website shows up in online searches. Without effective SEO, prospective customers may never see any of your digital marketing efforts.

That’s because search engines have the power to choose which websites appear when people conduct online searches. They decide this based on complex algorithms that weigh numerous criteria to determine if your website is what the searcher is looking for.

In simple terms, SEO means optimizing all your online content so that it’s easily discoverable by these search engines. For example, if you’re selling white tennis socks, you work hard to make the search engines present your website first when people type ‘’white tennis socks’’ into their search bar.

It makes sense that thousands of websites would have a term like “white tennis socks” associated with them. (In this case, there are 60,700,000 results are found on Google!) That’s why it’s important to use the services of a Digital Marketing Services in Vadodara to help you stand out among the competition.

These SEO experts are up to date with all the latest criteria that will put your website in front of the right customers. So, SEO services provided by experts can fine-tune every aspect of your website to win favor with the search engines. 

Let’s explore what these SEO agencies and experts can specifically do for your business!

On-page SEO Services

On-page SEO focuses on optimizing the elements within your website to improve its search engine visibility and user experience. SEO professionals analyze and enhance your website’s content, meta tags, headings, and internal linking structure. 

By implementing keyword research and optimization techniques, they ensure that your web pages align with relevant search queries. For instance, they might optimize your product pages by strategically placing target keywords and creating compelling meta descriptions that entice users to click through to your site. 

Off-page SEO Services

In order to improve your website’s reputation and authority online, you need off-page SEO, which includes building high-quality backlinks from reputable websites, engaging in social media promotion, and fostering relationships with influencers. By increasing the number of quality links to your site, you show that your website is credible and trustworthy. 

Technical SEO Services

Technical SEO deals with optimizing the technical aspects of your website to improve its crawling, indexing, and overall performance. Experts in technical SEO ensure that your site is accessible to search engine bots and that it follows best practices for website architecture, page load speed, mobile-friendliness, and structured data implementation. For instance, they might optimize your website’s XML sitemap, fix broken links, and implement schema markup to provide additional context to search engines about your website’s content.

If you want to learn just a bit more about technical SEO, here’s a 7-minute video for you:

Link Building Services

Link building is an important part of any SEO strategy, and it’s a risky business for the uninitiated. Google places severe penalties on spammy links and can even suspend your website if they suspect foul play.

When other websites link to yours, they help increase your credibility with search engines as well as internet users. There are many news and industry sites that allow you to publish interesting news about your company or informational content on their websites. They’ll usually allow you to link back to your site on their page.

The danger is that if you post a link from a spammy or irrelevant site back to yours, you could attract penalties. A reputable white-hat digital agency will help you find the best sites for this type of guest post. 

Here is a very useful read on link building with content for SEO from Single Grain. You can also download their free PDF explaining how to get your content into big publications and reach new audiences.

Local SEO Services

For companies looking to target a particular region, local SEO is essential. It focuses on enhancing your website’s visibility in local search results, assisting you in reaching out to local prospects. Local SEO specialists optimize your website for location-specific keywords, create and manage online business listings (such as Google My Business), and gather positive reviews from satisfied customers. 

For example, if you run a bakery in New York City, a local SEO strategy would aim to make your bakery appear in the top results when someone searches for “best bakeries in New York.”

If you’re new to SEO terminology, this introductory video provides an explanation of what SEO is and how it works:

2. Search Engine Marketing Services

SEM and SEO both rely on keywords, but that’s where the similarity ends. SEM services and strategies involve paying a search engine to place your website in front of customers. It’s closely related to pay-per-click advertising.

With SEM, you choose keywords associated with your products and services and craft advertisements around them. These are the familiar types of advertisements you’ll see when you conduct a search query online.

To get your ads placed in these prime spots, you need to bid on your chosen keywords. Every time someone enters a search query, the search engine decides which ads to show them. They do this by means of a complex formula related to how much you bid for a keyword and the quality score of your ad. 

With Google Ads, you pay for your bid each time Google displays your ad. In pay-per-click advertising, you only pay when someone clicks on your ad.

You can set a maximum amount per campaign or per keyword.

It’s easy to see that you’ll need expert help figuring out how to choose keywords, how to create quality ads, and how much to bid. Getting on board with a Digital Marketing Services in Vadodara is the best way to ensure success with SEM.

If you want to better distinguish SEM from SEO, we suggest you watch the YouTube video by Ahrefs below:

Re-targeting Services

Re-targeting gives you a second chance with people who have visited your website and then left without purchasing anything. 

You place a tiny piece of code on your website that drops a cookie onto the computers of everyone who visits your site. Every time they browse the web and conduct search queries, this cookie prompts your re-targeting provider to display your ads specifically on search engine result pages.

Affiliate Marketing Services

Within search engine marketing, affiliate marketing is a performance-based type of marketing where you pay for conversions rather than traffic.

How it works is that you partner with professional bloggers or high-traffic website owners who can promote your products or services to their audience through search engine advertising.

You pay them a percentage of the profits every time you make a sale from these search engine affiliate sources. This approach leverages search engines to drive targeted traffic and generate sales. Affiliate marketing serves as a powerful strategy for expanding your reach and boosting revenue within the context of search engine marketing.

3. Web Development & Web Design Services

Your website is your business’s online shop window. As such, it’s the most important part of your online marketing efforts. A successful digital agency providing web development and web design services will go through your website carefully and ensure that every aspect of it is working to your benefit. 

UX/UI Services

User experience (UX) and user interface (UI) services play a crucial role in optimizing your website’s overall user experience and interface design. When you team up with a Digital Marketing Services in Vadodara that specializes in UX/UI services, they’ll dive deep into improving the usability, accessibility, and visual appeal of your website. Their experts will dig into user behavior, conduct usability testing, and craft interfaces that perfectly reflect your brand’s identity. 

By prioritizing user-centric design principles like intuitive navigation, clear messaging, and eye-catching visuals, a Digital Marketing Services in Vadodara can help you deliver a seamless and satisfying user experience that keeps visitors happy and boosts conversions.

Here’s a short YouTube video explaining what UI and UX are:

Web Development Services

When it comes to web development services, partnering with a professional Digital Marketing Services in Vadodara is crucial for unlocking the full potential of your online presence. Their team of skilled developers will work closely with you to understand your business goals and design a website that not only aligns with your brand identity but also offers a seamless user experience. From coding and optimizing website performance to ensuring cross-platform compatibility and mobile responsiveness, a reputable Digital Marketing Services in Vadodara will handle every technical aspect, empowering you to focus on running your business with peace of mind. 

WordPress Web Development Services

If you’re considering WordPress as your preferred content management system, partnering with a Digital Marketing Services in Vadodara that specializes in WordPress web development services is essential. 

WordPress experts have a deep understanding of the WordPress platform and its vast capabilities. They can customize and optimize your WordPress website to reflect your brand’s unique identity while ensuring optimal performance and usability. Whether you need an e-commerce store, a blog, or a corporate website, a professional Digital Marketing Services in Vadodara will leverage its expertise to create a visually stunning, functional, and user-friendly WordPress website that attracts and retains your target audience. 

Chatbot Services

Chatbot services have become increasingly vital for businesses in today’s fast-paced digital economy. With the assistance of a Digital Marketing Services in Vadodara that offers chatbot services, you can integrate automated chat systems into your website or other digital platforms. 

Chatbots can easily initiate proactive communication with visitors, process orders, provide personalized recommendations, and reply quickly to customer inquiries. By adding chatbot services, you can improve customer service, shorten response times, and provide assistance around the clock. Therefore, you’ll save your customers’ time and reduce their risk of getting bored and exiting your website by clicking on the red ‘X’ in the corner.

4. Social Media Marketing Services

To succeed on social media, you need a thorough knowledge of each platform you’re using. Different social media networks appeal to different audiences, so you can reach out to the exact clientele that suits your business goals. And keep in mind that there are about 3 billion social media users worldwide, that’s a huge audience for your business to reach out to!

Social media marketing services involve increasing awareness of your brand by sharing content with and engaging with this audience. So, when you work with a social media marketing agency, you’ll immediately get help creating suitable content appealing to your target audience. The marketing team will also help you set up targeted ads to present your company on paid social media.

They’ll also do an in-depth analysis of your current social media standing, devise compelling social media campaigns to attract sales, and monitor social media comments about your business. You can discover the best social media agencies in London and many other cities in our listings.

Influencer Marketing Services

By building connections with well-known personalities who have a large following and influence on social media, you can leverage their authority and expand the reach of your brand. Influencer marketing services from a Digital Marketing Services in Vadodara will help you find the right influencers for your niche and collaborate with them to create strong campaigns that connect with your target audience. Influencer marketing can boost brand recognition, create real user-generated content, strengthen your company’s social media exposure and reputation, and promote sponsored content and product assessments.

Social Media Engagement Services

A Digital Marketing Services in Vadodara specializing in social media engagement services can assist you in building meaningful connections and interactions with your followers. They’ll develop strategies to encourage likes, comments, shares, and other forms of engagement on your social media posts. 

By leveraging creative content, timely responses, and community management techniques, they can foster an active and loyal online community around your brand. Social media engagement services focus on nurturing relationships, sparking conversations, and fostering a sense of community, which significantly enhances your brand’s visibility, reputation, and customer loyalty.

Social Media Advertising Services

Social media advertising provides an effective way to target specific audiences and drive conversions. So, you can leverage the powerful targeting options available on various platforms to reach your ideal customers with social media advertising services offered by a Digital Marketing Services in Vadodara.

The agency will assist you in creating compelling ad campaigns, optimizing targeting parameters, and monitoring ad performance to ensure maximum return on investment (ROI). 

By harnessing the extensive user data and advanced targeting tools provided by social media platforms, you can effectively promote your products or services, increase website traffic, and generate valuable leads and sales. 

5. Branding Services

Branding services offered by Digital Marketing Services in Vadodara can help you create a compelling brand identity, and as a result, you can effectively communicate your value proposition to your target audience. Professional branding services ensure consistency and cohesiveness across all touchpoints, from logo design and brand positioning to messaging and visuals.

Logo Design and Visual Identity

A Digital Marketing Services in Vadodara that specializes in branding services can help you create a visually appealing and meaningful logo that grabs attention and sticks in people’s minds. They’ve got the skills to develop a complete visual identity package, including cool color schemes, eye-catching fonts, and stylish graphics. With their expertise, you can make sure all your marketing materials have a consistent and professional look that truly represents your brand’s personality and values.

Brand Messaging and Positioning

When it comes to reaching your target audience and standing out from the competition, having a clear and captivating brand message is key. That’s where a Digital Marketing Services in Vadodara comes in. They’re professionals at helping you craft a strong brand positioning strategy that sets you apart and finds your unique voice that speaks directly to your customers. 

With their creative expertise, they can develop engaging brand messaging that really connects with your audience. Not only that, they can assist in fine-tuning your brand story and making sure your message remains consistent across all communication channels. It’s all about making a lasting impression and building a strong brand presence that resonates with your customers.

6. Content Marketing Services

Content marketing uses the age-old art of storytelling to increase brand awareness. It aims to build relationships with potential clients and establish your brand as a partner in satisfying their needs. It’s a subtle way of winning customers without direct advertising.

Informational content is a type of content marketing that aims to answer questions that potential clients might have. In this way, you establish yourself as an expert in their eyes.

The main focus of content marketing is to provide value to clients while discretely offering your services as a solution to their queries. 

Content marketing usually takes the form of attention-grabbing videos, gripping blogs, clean infographics, and intriguing social media posts.

Speaking of attention-grabbing video content, Semrush has created a captivating 7-minute video that focuses on content marketing strategies:

Let’s see what kind of content marketing services are offered by agencies across two categories:

Content Strategy Services

Content strategy services involve developing a comprehensive plan that aligns your content marketing efforts with your business goals and target audience. Experts can easily conduct thorough research to identify your audience’s interests, pain points, and preferences. Then, they can create a roadmap outlining the types of content to produce, topics to cover, and channels to leverage. 

Content Writing Services

According to the roadmap we mentioned above that the content marketing experts draw, you’ll have various forms of content, such as blog posts, articles, website copy, social media updates, and more. For instance, if your target audience spends a lot of time on Facebook, you’ll need ad copy specifically for this medium.

We share a successful copywriter, Alex Cattoni’s YouTube video on how to write Facebook ad copy that converts. You can learn what’s needed, and you can decide whether you write by yourself or get professional help:

7. Email Marketing Services

Email outreach is one of the oldest digital marketing strategies, but it’s still one of the best ways to generate leads.

Managing an email contact list, email personalization, and targeted product offers are the essentials of having a solid email marketing strategy. To successfully do so, we suggest you get professional help from agencies providing email marketing services.

A Digital Marketing Services in Vadodara has the skill to handle all of these aspects easily. They will help grow your email list, come up with engaging campaigns that drive conversions, and set up effective mailing campaigns. 

Retention Email Services

Retention email services focus on nurturing and retaining your existing customers. A Digital Marketing Services in Vadodara can help you develop strategies to keep your customers engaged and build long-term relationships. From personalized follow-up emails to exclusive offers and loyalty programs, retention email services aim to enhance customer loyalty and increase repeat purchases.

Newsletter Services

Newsletter services involve crafting informative and engaging content to keep your subscribers informed about your brand, products, and industry updates. A Digital Marketing Services in Vadodara can assist you in creating compelling newsletters that resonate with your audience, driving engagement and brand awareness. They can handle everything from content creation and design to email scheduling and analytics, ensuring your newsletters deliver value to your subscribers.

Promotional Email Services

The purpose of promotional email services is to deliver targeted product offers and promotions to increase sales and conversions. A Digital Marketing Services in Vadodara can help you develop effective promotional email campaigns, segment your audience based on their interests and behaviors, and create enticing offers that drive action. With their expertise, you can optimize email content, subject lines, and CTAs to maximize open rates, click-through rates, and overall campaign effectiveness.

8. Creative Services

Creative services focus on unleashing creativity and originality to enhance your brand’s visual appeal and overall messaging. Whether it’s creating captivating visuals, designing compelling marketing collateral, or developing unique brand assets, a creative agency can provide the artistic touch that elevates your brand to new heights. 

Video Production Services

With professional video production services, a Digital Marketing Services in Vadodara can help you create high-quality videos that captivate your viewers and effectively communicate your brand’s message. From concept development and scriptwriting to filming, editing, and post-production, their experienced videographers and editors work collaboratively to bring your vision to life. 

Their expertise in video production ensures that your content, whether promotional videos, brand documentaries, product demos, or animated explainers, stands out and connects with your target audience.

Graphic Design Services

A Digital Marketing Services in Vadodara specializing in graphic design services can provide you with stunning visuals that capture attention and leave a lasting impact. Their skilled design team brings your brand to life through a range of visually stunning creations. With their expertise, your brand will have aesthetically pleasing social media graphics, website elements, and marketing materials that embody your company’s personality and values.

Our SEO Services

Local SEO

works best if we have a Google Business Profile that can help with sales and services that go along with it

Technical SEO

It gives businesses the right tools to improve their marketing. We resolve all the technical issues on websites

WordPress SEO

Get #1 position on SERP with our comprehensive SEO strategies. Benefit from our organic ranking tactics.

E-Commerce SEO

Attracting potential customers and increasing sales on your website. Content is built around the products you offer and offers.

Youtube SEO

YouTube SEO is a strategy for optimizing channels and videos to improve their placement in search results.

SEO Audit

Our SEO auditors analyze the web pages of your website and determine whether they are search engine friendly or not.

SEO Company in Varanasi

Our Strategy to Secure #1 Rank on Google

Initial Consultation

Competitor analysis is at the heart of our strategy. We won’t take any further steps until we’ve analyzed your competitors’ SEO strategy.

Finding the “Right” keywords

With a “chosen” customer segment in mind, our SEO experts research keywords based on volume and complexity. We use premium SEO tools to accomplish this task.

On Page Audit

When performing an on-page audit, we measure the performance of your site on a variety of metrics. We regularly check and fix your website to stay ahead of the competition.

Content Marketing

Our team of content writers spends time learning what’s important to your customers and developing content based on that.

Backlink Submission

We find high DA/PA websites where we can leave a link to your site along with targeted keywords. As the number of backlinks increases, your site’s ranking jumps higher.

Bring the Traffic

If we fully implement our SEO strategy, your website will definitely get traffic. More traffic leads to more conversion, so our service benefits your business.

Top 10 popular People Say About SEO

Matt Cutts, Director of Engineering at The U.S. Digital Service
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Matt Cutts is currently the director of engineering at the U.S. Digital Service after resigning as the head of the webspam team at Google in December 2016. His blog, “ Matt Cutts: Gadgets, Google, and SEO ,” contains a ton of useful resources for all things SEO. Regarding his philanthropic contributions, Cutts says on his blog that he founded a nonprofit foundation with his wife (which then closed in 2013), where he donated to organizations such as charity: water , the Sunlight Foundation , and Free Press . With over 546,000 followers on Twitter , Cutts is one of the go-to guys for everything you need to know to get to the top of Google rankings.
Joost De Valk, Founder and CEO of Yoast
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“Open source aficionado, developer, marketeer. In that order. I come to bring traffic.” So are the words of Joost de Valk on his Twitter profile . De Valk created his company Yoast to provide software, training, and services for website optimization. These include the plugin “SEO Yoast” which is currently available for two platforms and active on around 4 million websites, and is an extremely handy tool for optimizing your SEO on WordPress. Yoast’s Twitter has 106,000 followers.
Rand Fishkin, Founder of Moz
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Rand Fishkin—self-proclaimed startup junkie, frequent traveler, blogger, social media addict, and evangelist of all things TAGFEE —founded Moz (formerly SEOmoz) in 2004. Moz has grown dramatically since its founding, shifting focus from exclusively SEO tools to broader web marketing software. Fishkin was Moz CEO from 2007 to 2014 and now focuses on product marketing as the “Wizard of Moz.” He still contributes regularly to the Moz blog . He also spends much of his time traveling and speaking at marketing conferences around the world, averaging 100 days on the road each year and 30 to 40 speaking appearances. Fishkin has over 395,000 followers on Twitter .
Neil Patel, Founder of Crazy Egg
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Neil Patel is an entrepreneur, investor, and influencer who co-founded hugely successful businesses, including Crazy Egg , KISSmetrics , Hello Bar , and Quick Sprout . Patel was recognized as a top influencer on the web by The Wall Street Journal , a top 10 online marketer by Forbes, and creator of one of the 100 most brilliant companies in the world by Entrepreneur Magazine . President Obama named him one of the top 100 entrepreneurs under the age of 30 , and the UN recognized him as one of the top 100 entrepreneurs under the age of 35 . He is a columnist for Forbes, Inc., Entrepreneur, and Huffington Post, and he also writes for his blog Quick Sprout and maintains over 275,000 followers on Twitter .
Danny Sullivan, Founding Editor of Search Engine Land
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Danny Sullivan is the founding editor of Search Engine Land , Marketing Land , and MarTech Today , all of which are published by the company that he co-founded and serves as Chief Content Officer for: Third Door Media . Search Engine Land is an industry publication that covers news and information about search engines, search marketing, SEO , and SEM topics. Third Door Media also produces the SMX: Search Marketing Expo conference series , which attract thousands of viewers and focus on search marketing. Sullivan also writes his own personal blog called Daggle and has a Twitter following of over 530,000.
Eric Enge, Founder and CEO of Stone Temple Consulting
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Eric Enge is the founder and CEO of Stone Temple Consulting , an award-winning full-service digital marketing agency providing a broad range of white hat SEO and digital marketing services. Partnering with Rand Fishkin, Stephan Spencer, and Jessie Stricchiola, Enge served as the lead author of The Art of SEO , one of the top widely sold books on the topic of SEO. Eric has written columns for blogs such as Search Engine Land and Moz as well as contributed to Forbes, Copyblogger, Search Engine Watch, and Social Media Today. He is also a regular contributor to the Stone Temple blog and has over 27,000 followers on Twitter .
Brian Dean, Founder of Backlinko
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Brian Dean is an internationally recognized entrepreneur and SEO expert who founded Backlinko , a traffic generation business that specializes in link building, SEO, content marketing, and conversions. Dean believes that today’s online marketers must master the art of link building, user experience, and content promotion in order to optimize their website for search engines. In addition to Backlinko, Dean offers a free newsletter full of proven SEO and traffic tips as well as manages a Twitter following of more than 58,000.
Stephan Spencer, Author of Google Power Search
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Stephan Spencer is the author of Google Power Search, a co-author of Social eCommerce, and a co-author on Eric Enge’s book The Art of SEO . He also invented the specialized software RIO SEO Website Optimizer, which is an automated pay-for-performance natural search technology platform. He has spoken countless times at conferences on SEO and other online marketing topics and contributes to blogs like Search Engine Land, The Huffington Post, and Multichannel Merchant. Spencer sits on the board of Impact Network , and has donated his time and expertise to organizations like The Carter Center , Singularity University , and Foresight Institute. Spencer has over 27,000 followers on Twitter .
Vanessa Fox, CEO of Keylime Toolbox
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Vanessa Fox is the CEO of Keylime Toolbox , where she aims to bring common sense SEO resources to everyone. Keylime Toolbox is a software company whose SEO tools give you actionable insights for improving qualified traffic from unpaid search. She was a key creator of Webmaster Central when working at Google, and used that information along with past experience in website development to build tools and education that site owners needed for Google search. Fox also wrote Marketing in the Age of Google, which has been named a must-read for the business owner who’s looking to survive in the 21st century. She continues to be major SEO influencer by speaking at conferences around the world, and she has over 39,000 followers on Twitter .
Aaron Wall, Founder of SEOBook
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Aaron Wall is the founder of SEOBook, a leading SEO website that claims to offer the number one SEO training program, complete with over 100 custom training modules, a private forum, exclusive premium tools, and additional resources. The site was launched in 2003 and is known as one of the oldest SEO sites that’s still regularly updated for the current state of the web. It prides itself on being gimmick-free and offering a solid, affordable program that guarantees quality learning. In addition to managing his blog and having over 75,000 Twitter followers , Wall also speaks at conferences and participates in many search marketing communities.
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