
Digital Marketing Service

Digital Marketing
SEO Services Company in India

Our SEO Services Offerings At SEO Scientists – Best SEO Company in India we provide…

SEO Company in Varanasi
SEO Packages

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Digital Marketing
Local SEO Services

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Social Media Management

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Google Map Promotion

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Google Adwords PPC Management

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Facebook Advertising

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Google Promotion Services

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Writing Services

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Email Marketing Services

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Digital Marketing
Youtube Video Promotion

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Our SEO Services

Local SEO

works best if we have a Google Business Profile that can help with sales and services that go along with it

Technical SEO

It gives businesses the right tools to improve their marketing. We resolve all the technical issues on websites

Wordpress SEO

Get #1 position on SERP with our comprehensive SEO strategies. Benefit from our organic ranking tactics.

E-Commerce SEO

Attracting potential customers and increasing sales on your website. Content is built around the products you offer and offers.

Youtube SEO

YouTube SEO is a strategy for optimizing channels and videos to improve their placement in search results.

SEO Audit

Our SEO auditors analyze the web pages of your website and determine whether they are search engine friendly or not.

SEO Company in Varanasi

Our Strategy to Secure #1 Rank on Google

Initial Consultation

Competitor analysis is at the heart of our strategy. We won’t take any further steps until we’ve analyzed your competitors’ SEO strategy.

Finding the “Right” keywords

With a “chosen” customer segment in mind, our SEO experts research keywords based on volume and complexity. We use premium SEO tools to accomplish this task.

On Page Audit

When performing an on-page audit, we measure the performance of your site on a variety of metrics. We regularly check and fix your website to stay ahead of the competition.

Content Marketing

Our team of content writers spends time learning what’s important to your customers and developing content based on that.

Backlink Submission

We find high DA/PA websites where we can leave a link to your site along with targeted keywords. As the number of backlinks increases, your site’s ranking jumps higher.

Bring the Traffic

If we fully implement our SEO strategy, your website will definitely get traffic. More traffic leads to more conversion, so our service benefits your business.

SEO Scientists

Monitoring and Reporting

Regularly tracking website performance using various analytics tools to assess the effectiveness of implemented strategies is also done by us.

SEO Audits

Conducting comprehensive audits of websites to identify strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for improvement in SEO strategies.

Content Optimization

Creating high-quality and engaging content that satisfies user intent and aligns with the identified keywords ensuring it’s well-structured and valuable to users.

Local SEO

This involves optimizing Google My Business profiles, obtaining local citations, and managing reviews so that your listing appear on the top of SERP.

Keyword Research

Identifying relevant and high-value keywords that users are likely to search for, and strategically incorporating them into website content.

On-Page SEO

Optimizing individual web pages to improve their search engine rankings. This includes optimizing titles, descriptions, headings, URL structures, and internal linking.

Off-Page SEO

Building the website’s authority and trustworthiness through activities that happen off the website. This includes link building and influencer outreach.

Technical SEO

Technical SEO is mandatory which includes improving site speed, mobile-friendliness, fixing broken links, and implementing structured data markup.

Looking for the best SEO Company in Vadodara in order to promote your business fastly? Or willing to rank on page 1 of any search engine? We know your answer every business fraternity wants this but it is only possible if you choose right medium for your business to grow. SEO services in Vadodara  provided by SEO Scientists could help you to fulfill your dream. We could make you rank top on search engines. SEO (search engine optimization) helps your company’s website to rank top or on the first page of the search engine. 

Looking for the best SEO agency in Vadodara to elevate your online presence? Look no further than SEOscientists. As the best SEO agency in Vadodara, SEO Scientists are dedicated to driving organic traffic and enhancing your search engine rankings. Our team of experts at SEO Scientists employs cutting-edge strategies to ensure your business stands out. Whether you are a startup or an established enterprise, our tailored solutions make us the best SEO agency in Vadodara for your digital marketing needs. Trust SEO Scientists, the best SEO agency in Vadodara, to transform your online visibility and achieve unparalleled growth.

Why SEO Scientists is best SEO Company in Vadodara ?

SEO Scientists has made its presence the ‘Pink city’ and getting very response. We are trusted SEO agency and had given very good result to our customers in Vadodara . We care for your business that is why we make best plans and strategy for your business to obtain best rank than the others. Following points makes us best than the other SEO Companies in Vadodara :

  • At SEO Scientists we have team of experts, who are Google certified and excel in their work.
  • We have experience of more than six years in providing SEO services.
  • Our SEO expert use the latest Google algorithm and other search engine policy.
  • We work very ethically, do not use any spam and activity booster
  • Also We are team of experts who uses white hat search engine optimization process.
  • We provide the result within 45-50 days that is ranking on the front page of the Google.

We have clients from different sectors like, Education institutes, Colleges, Astrologer, Technical support, Tour & travels, IT company.

So if you want best for your business than your search ends, we are the best SEO Company in Vadodara  with good record.

Why your Business needs SEO Service and what SEO exactly is?

Today more than a billion people are active over internet they search for every product and services online. It won’t be shocking if we tell you that there are near about 500 million websites over internet. People are becoming global and world is now becoming global village. The presence over internet is marked as very important for the business growth and brings customers.

SEO Services in Vadodara 

If you will be more visible over internet than you will be more recognized by the people and this is good for your business, ranking in the first page of the Google is really a very good advantage for the business. People will read about your company, services or see your products there are very less number of people who go to second page so it become very important to obtain good ranking and this will be done by us we will provide you good ranking over search engine.

If we talk about SEO it stands for Search Engine Optimization, it is a technique to increase the visitors on your website by ranking good in the search result on search engine like Google, Yahoo and Bing. Following points are the highlights of the need of search engine optimization:

  • Provide you good ranking over search engine.
  • More visitors on your website will bring you more customers.
  • Will make you global presence.
  • Will built the name and image of your company or business.

Our SEO services in Vadodara 

 Vadodara  and capital of Tamil Naduis known for royal places, unique color of buildings very famous spot for tourist at domestic as well as at global level. All these tourist or even the local people over there are very much active on internet, people search over internet they spend time online to enquire about the place or about any service or product if they are new to that place. In Vadodara  if you are wants to show in the front page of Google than you have to get the search engine optimization services for your business.

Types of SEO Services Provided by SEO Scientists

We only provide White hat services for your business which includes the following thing:

On page SEO Services Vadodara 

On page search engine optimization services have the direct effect on your website. Search engine optimization work is based in on page optimization and it holds the 70% weight age. Search engine also gives importance to the on page optimization, it includes the following thing:

Keywords & Competition Research

Site Structure & HTML coding Optimization of website. Make it search engine friendly.

  • Add the Alt tag,
  • Meta tags,
  • Meta keywords,
  • Title tag Description.
  • Heading hierarchy,
  • Content Optimization & internal linking.
  • Sitemap
  •  Robot text file
  •  Placement of Google webmaster
  •  Analytics code placement

Off page SEO services Vadodara 

It is a essential part of search engine optimization process which is very helpful in getting the good ranking by increasing the traffic or visitors to the website. OFF Page search engine optimization also helps in maintaining the good position on the search engine. It includes the following things:

  • Search Engine Submissions
  • Press Release Submissions
  • Directory Submissions
  • Article Submissions
  • Sitemap Submissions
  • Bookmarking and Social Networking sites.
  • Video Submissions
  • Sitemap Submissions
  • Keywords in anchor text
  • Submit to RSS feed directories.
  • Link Building

Why To Prefer SEO Scientists SEO Services for Businesses in Vadodara ?

If you want good ranking for your business than we are best company available in Vadodara  for you. The other main reasons to Choose our SEO services for businesses like astrologers, educational institutes, BPOs in Vadodara  are as mentioned below

  • We have good working experience along with good team of experts.
  • Team SEO Scientists are affordable and provide 100% result.
  • We only provide white hat services.
  • SEO Scientists have team of youngsters who have brain storming ideas and fresh mind.

SEO Companies in Vadodara :

AHS IT Services:

  • AHS IT Services stands out as a premier SEO company in Vadodara , offering a range of services tailored to boost online visibility. Their comprehensive approach includes on-page optimization, content marketing, and strategic SEO strategies. AHS IT Services is a go-to choice for businesses seeking personalized and result-driven SEO solutions.
    Website: AHS IT Services

Digital Search Tech:

  • Digital Search Tech is a dynamic force in Vadodara ‘s digital marketing landscape, specializing in SEO services. With a commitment to staying updated on industry trends, they employ cutting-edge techniques to ensure clients’ websites rank high on search engine results. Digital Search Tech is synonymous with excellence in optimizing online visibility.
    Website: Digital Search Tech

Explosion Web Solutions:

  • Explosion Web Solutions brings a holistic suite of digital marketing services, with a specific focus on SEO in Vadodara . Their blend of technical SEO, content optimization, and strategic link building aims to boost a website’s authority. Businesses seeking a comprehensive approach to digital success find a reliable partner in Explosion Web Solutions.
    Website: Explosion Web Solutions


  • Kashidigital positions itself as a prominent player in SEO services in Vadodara . Offering services such as keyword optimization, website auditing, and local SEO strategies, Kashidigital is dedicated to delivering measurable results. Businesses looking for a strategic and results-driven SEO partner find a reliable ally in Kashidigital.
    Website: Kashidigital

In this Article Many Company Provide SEO Service in Vadodara  and Course. so not confused

SEO Service  in Vadodara  help to educate, inform and open up new opportunities for people residing in Vadodara . Today no matter how new or small a business might be, having an online presence is mandatory. It is more important for small and medium business houses and new startups to have a very positive online presence to carry on B2B and B2C business.

The state of Uttar Pradesh is one of the most prosperous economies in Vadodara , and Vadodara  is one of its most important cities. Vadodara  is home to many indigenous industries that are vital to the intrinsic character of Vadodara . The various industries make the city a great place for Digital Marketing activities.

Most consumers today are found online. As a result, these indigenous industries can find their leads and their customers in the online space. The whole point of a digital marketing campaign and strategy is to have increased returns on investment(ROI) with the lowest cost of acquisition possible. Vadodara  can become a thriving online market because it manufactures products and offers services unique to the character of the city.

The city is known for its handloom embroidered textile, homemade food, sculpture, and perfumes. One of the most popular garments, the intricately woven banarasi saree has a huge demand in Vadodara  and abroad.

Since Vadodara  is home to quite a few local brands and companies selling and manufacturing original and native products, the potential for business through digital marketing endeavors has increased considerably over the last 5 years. All of these factors have made students and working individuals in the city aim for a prosperous digital marketing career. 

Below is the list of 10 SEO Service  in Vadodara  comprising of the classroom and online-based studies that help to provide the budding digital marketers of the city to strengthen their online knowledge and create successful brands.

Rank #1. SEO Service  in Vadodara 


IIM SKILLS offers one of the most comprehensive Digital Marketing SEO Service  for you to understand the essentials of online strategy and planning. The institute is among the top Online Training Institutes offering premium courses in Vadodara . It is one of the top-rated SEO Service  in Vadodara .

The SEO Service  at IIM SKILLS  provides training for Master Certification from the Institute and 10+ other important Certification exams including Hubspot, Google, and Facebook. You have 40+ modules to cover in the curriculum.

They offer the advantage of benefiting from their exhaustive learning modules through online recorded sessions in their learning management system which is accessible to students for life. The mentors have more than a decade of experience in the Digital Domain and have worked with some of the most important brands and corporate organizations.

Modules Covered

Core Modules



  • Content Writing And Blogging
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Search Engine Marketing
  • Inbound Marketing
  • Email Marketing
  • Web Analytics


Special Modules


  • WordPress Web Development
  • Integrated Digital Marketing Strategy
  • Online Reputation Management
  • Content Writing And Blogging
  • Media Buying
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Video Marketing
  • Marketing Automation
  • Digital Infographic Resume Preparation



  • SEO Service  Name – Digital Marketing Master Course
  • SEO Service  duration– 3 Months + 2 Months Paid Internship
  • Fee– INR 34900 + 18% GST (Includes Exam Fee)


The curriculum is rigorous training in live online interactive classrooms. There are 120+ hours of assignments and 60+ hours of live training for the students to understand all the essential components of the online marketing strategy.

The SEO Service  will teach Integrated Digital Marketing Strategy which constitutes content marketing, SEO, SEM, Social Media, and Web Designing and Development.

You have the option of weekday and weekend batches that you can choose from. There is also the feature of choosing your time and days for the SEO Service  according to your preference.

Some Tools You Work With

Facebook Ads, Facebook Insights, Google Analytics, Keyword Planner, LinkedIn Ads, YouTube Analytics, Twitter Ads, Semrush, Moz, Google Ads, Ubersuggest, Google Trend, Yoast SEO, and Succuri Security among many others.


You have the option of taking up their Paid virtual research-based internship after completion of the SEO Service  for adequate experience. The practical projects will help you to understand just how great the scope of digital marketing is.

IIMSKILLS works with some of the most reputed global conglomerates like Amazon, Flipkart, TCS, Accenture to name a few.

IIM SKILLS Students Work At

Hiring Partners


The Institute provides you with placement support and even post-placement assistance for students. The mentors are Google Certified experts with over 10 + years of experience in the Digital Marketing domain.


The training sessions are recorded after every class which can be useful for people who miss the session at the time of the class. They can catch up with all that has been taught in the session later in the Learning Management System. (LMS) You have lifetime access to all training sessions.

Media Coverage 

Other Courses:

  • SEO Course
  • Technical Writing Course
  • GST Course
  • Content Writing Course
  • Financial Modeling Course
  • Business Accounting And Taxation Course
  • CAT Coaching


IIMSKILLS Corporate Office: H B Twin Tower, 8th Floor, Max Hospital Building, Netaji Subhash Place.

Contact : +919580740740 ,

Alumni Reviews

Rank #2. SEO Service  in Vadodara 

Digital Mart Lab and Institute -4.3/5

It is one of the top web designing and Digital marketing institutes in Vadodara  committed to delivering quality education in Digital Marketing and software training.

The different curriculum covered in the institute is Website Design And Development, Mobile App Development, Search Engine Optimization, and Digital Marketing Training.

The main features of Digital Marketing training are that they have 200+ hours of classroom training. There are live practical training projects and job interview preparation. The Digital Marketing SEO Service  at Digital Mart Lab equips you with powerful Digital Marketing knowledge that helps you to follow the best practices in the industry and work on real-time live projects.

They have customized courses for the Digital Marketing module that is formulated by experts involving detailed lessons. They do it through white-board explanations, interactive sessions, practical training sessions, and real-time question answers during and after the course.

Digital Mart Lab is present in many locations all across Vadodara . Some of its centers are in Kolkata, Lucknow, Kanpur, Vadodara , Allahabad, Agra, Patna, and Ranchi.

The SEO Service  topics include

  1. Search Engine Optimization
  2. Social Media Marketing
  3. Paid Search
  4. Website Designing
  5. Web Analytics
  6. Mobile Marketing
  7. Facebook Marketing
  8. Email Marketing
  9. App Development
  10. Digital Marketing Fundamentals

Address Sant Raghuvir Nagar, Sigra, Vadodara  Uttar Pradesh 221010 Vadodara  Contact 082 9920 7159 


Rank #3. SEO Service  in Vadodara 

Digital Kal Vadodara  4.5 / 5

Digital Kal is one of the most eminent Digital Marketing institutes in Vadodara  that offers 4 SEO Service  in Vadodara .

The courses are as follows

  1. Certification of Professional Digital Marketing
  2. Certification in Google Ads
  3. Professional SEO Certification
  4. Professional Social Media Marketing Certification

The salient features of the institute is that they have free demo sessions and hands-on practical training on all modules of Digital Marketing exhaustively. There are daily assignments in interactive classroom exercises too.

Most importantly every trainer has 11 + years of experience in the digital domain having worked with renowned brands and corporate houses in digital campaigns and projects. The institute has a pool of 25 + trainers and updated content keeping in mind the best industry practices and trends and requirements. They offer placement assistance and post-SEO Service  completion support too.

Additionally, there are 16 certifications including Google Ads Analytics Inbound Marketing Email Marketing. There are 15 + centers of Digital Kal and Vadodara  and it’s still growing. There is an online study portal the students can access the study materials on the cloud. The SEO Service  fee is Rs 49999+18% GST.

Certified Professional in Digital Marketing is the most advanced SEO Service  that offers education on all the key models of Digital Marketing.

The SEO Service  topics include

  1. Overview of Digital Marketing fundamentals
  2. Graphic Designing fundamentals
  3. Advanced Editing tool
  4. WordPress Creation
  5. Social Media Marketing
  6. Lead Management
  7. Adsense Marketing
  8. E-commerce Marketing
  9. Online Reputation Management 
  10. Affiliate Marketing
  11. Introduction To Marketplace
  12. Growth Hacking
  13. Online Media
  14. Getting Started As Freelancers
  15. Interview And Personality Development
  16. Email Marketing
  17. Mobile Marketing
  18. Inbound Marketing Solutions
  19. Google Analytics

The SEO Service  is designed to suit the needs of anyone interested in learning Digital Marketing exhaustively. The SEO Service  is ideal for students, job aspirants, small and medium business owners, entrepreneurs, housewives, and people who want to move from traditional marketing and concentrate on online growth.

Address C/O ICMT Computer Institute, B27/98 A-7A, Durgakund Road, Near Dayal Tower, Vadodara  Uttar Pradesh 221010 Contact 08006 8411

Rank #4. SEO Service  in Vadodara 

Debuggers Vadodara  5/5 

Debuggers Vadodara  is a premier institute offering courses in programming and Digital Marketing. It offers a variety of courses in PHP training, Python, Java, Android app development, IOS unity game, angular JS node, JS user interface training, software testing, and Digital Marketing

The Digital Marketing SEO Service  is divided into three parts

  1. Digital Marketing training program for 45 days 6 weeks
  2. The Digital Marketing Training for 90 days
  3. Digital Marketing training program for 180 days

The curriculum covers

  1. Keyword Analysis
  2. Schema Creation And Implementation
  3. Google-site-verification
  4. Sitemap Creation And Verification
  5. Blog Creation
  6. Article Writing And Submission
  7. Internal External Link Building
  8. Alexa, Quora Google Analytic Generation Implementation
  9.  Social Media Page Creation
  10. Social Media Optimization
  11. YouTube Channel Creation
  12. Google My Business Page
  13. Post Writing For GMB
  14. PPT Writing And Submission
  15. Blog Submission
  16. Content Writing For Promotion
  17. Webmaster Tool
  18. Operation Guide

The SEO Service  is designed keeping in mind the current industry standards and best practices. The institute of hands-on practical training and full job assistance. The curriculum provides basic to advanced level of Digital Marketing training. The SEO Service  is ideal for job aspirants, entrepreneurs, freelancers, executives, individuals who want to come back to work after a hiatus.

The main aim is to provide the best quality education, reference materials, notes, and training for people to become prolific digital marketers

Address Atithi Vatika, 4th Floor, Geeta Nagar Colony, Near Hukulganj, Trimuhani Chaukaghat, Vadodara  Uttar Pradesh 221002 Contact 09026 2000 46

Rank #5. SEO Service  in Vadodara 

Dizi Global Solutions – 4.9/5

Dizi Global solution is a leading Digital Marketing institute in Vadodara  that offers to provide you with a premium SEO Service  . The SEO Service  helps you to unlock marketing tricks and secrets to implement a successful Digital Marketing strategy.

Since its establishment two years ago, the institute has provided high-quality education in Digital Marketing professional courses and has so far trained 250 + candidates who have gone on to have successful careers.

They follow a systematic approach to teaching Digital Marketing that starts with creating your website and publishing it in the online domain. The next step is to improve your marketing skills with daily workshops. The students create marketing materials that drive traffic to the website. They learn to create conversions from leads.

The final process is to provide soft skills training by incorporating personality development sessions, resume creation and confidence building through the various workshops carried out in the institute.

They provide courses on the core models of Digital Marketing like Search Engine Optimization, Pay-per-click, Social Media Optimization, Social Media Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, And Email Marketing.

The SEO Service  curriculum involves working with content automation, campaign marketing, data-driven marketing, email direct marketing, display advertising, e-books, optical discs, social media marketing, as part of the curriculum.

The faculty is experienced with more than 5 years of professional experience in conceptualization, implementation, and execution of Digital Marketing campaigns for successful brands and corporate organizations.

The SEO Service  is ideally suited to students, marketing professionals, entrepreneurs, small and medium business house owners, freelancers, work at home individuals. The SEO Service  would help in enhancing their skills and providing them information with the most recent developments in the online market

Address Ubi Building D59/98-a- 14 Second Floor Sampurnanand Colony Sigra Vadodara  Uttar Pradesh 221010 Contact 084 7007 9475

Rank #6. SEO Service  in Vadodara 

Digital Growth World Vadodara -4.6/5

Digital Growth World is one of the most popular SEO Service  in Vadodara  that suits your requirement for propelling your career towards success.

Ever since its inception in 2017, Digital Growth World has made efforts to share their Digital Marketing experience with enthusiasts coming from diverse career fields. Their hands-on experience on live projects and consultation with hundreds of brands over the years have helped to develop a SEO Service  customized to meet the needs of every person who wants information on online marketing.

The mode of training is online as well as offline and you can access the SEO Service  materials, case studies and notes remotely from any part of the world.

They are a leading Digital Marketing consultancy firm that has been actively involved in Digital Branding and Promotions. Their supreme quality service has enabled them to complete 156 projects on the various models of Digital Marketing. So far they have been able to work more than 1200 clients from different sectors.

Digital Growth World has 4 years of experience in training students in the Digital Marketing curriculum. There are more than 650 students who have so far been trained in the institute and 3 offline centers that help in delivering quality classroom-based training.

The SEO Service  at the institute aims to build your strengths through proper dissemination of Information and knowledge on Digital Marketing concepts. They look to nullify the weaknesses that an individual or a business has while implementing a Digital Marketing strategy. The faculty helps in understanding the core concepts of all the Digital Marketing elements that make for a successful campaign.

The SEO Service  curriculum covers

Search Engine Social Media Google Analytics Email Marketing Affiliate Marketing Online Marketing. You Can Get The Entire Curriculum By Downloading The Brochure On Their Website

The Digital Marketing programs are suited to graduates, students, aspiring job seekers, freelancers, and anyone interested in learning Digital Marketing to enhance their skill sets.

They help in providing tools, tips, and techniques to face marketing challenges and tackle them successfully enabling you to become efficient digital marketers able to carry on Digital Marketing campaign strategy with full confidence.

Address Mint House, F – 2/12 Nadesar Vadodara  Uttar Pradesh 221002 Contact 8700 254434

Rank #7. SEO Service  in Vadodara 

King of Digital Marketing Vadodara – 4.9/5

King of Digital Marketing Vadodara  is one of the top institutes offering Digital Marketing and related courses. They offer various packages as training modules like SEO packages, SMO packages, PPC packages, web design packages, content writing packages.

It is not only a training institute but also a digital solutions agency that provides stellar service through Social Media Marketing Services, Search Engine Optimization Services, Social Media Optimization Services, Online Reputation Management, Content Writing, Website Development Services, Mobile App Development, Android App Development, Java Software Development.

The different courses include topics like

  1. Digital Marketing Overview
  2. Website Analysis And Creation
  3. Integrated Digital Marketing Strategy
  4. Google Adwords PPC Advertising
  5. Google Analytics
  6. Search Engine Optimization
  7. Social Media Marketing
  8. Email Marketing
  9. E-commerce Marketing
  10. Mobile Marketing
  11. Content Marketing E-tail
  12. Online Display Advertising
  13. Online Reputation Management
  14. Lead Generation For Business
  15. Affiliate Marketing 
  16. Making Money Via Adsense, and Blogging
  17. Freelancing Projects

The benefit of doing the SEO Service  at King of Digital Marketing is it gives you absolute clarity on the whole complex module of computerized marketing.

The SEM package includes SEO Service  in Vadodara , Digital Marketing services, understanding web design, and development, Android app development.

Address Sultanpur Bhawa Kareli Allahabad Uttar Pradesh 211003 Contact 98219 18208

Rank #8. SEO Service  in Vadodara 

Digiperform Vadodara  -4.8/5

Digiperform is one of the leading digital training institutes in Asia which offers Advanced certifications in Vadodara  for people from diverse feels like working professionals, entrepreneurs, startup owners, freshers, and Marketing managers.

It has conducted 600 batches with more than 20000 students trained across 40 centers and has been instrumental in placing more than 16500 students in different corporate enterprises.

The Advanced Digital Training Program gives you intensive training from fundamentals to the advanced stages of Digital Marketing with 12 essential models.

Moreover, you get specialized training in Search Engine Optimization Social Media Marketing and Optimization and online advertising.

Students can choose to enroll for weekday or weekend training classes, you will also get lifetime access to the learning management system to catch up with missed lectures and assignments as well as exercises.

It is a tool-based learning process that helps you to work with 100+ live tools used by industry experts so that you get the maximum value out of your Curriculum. They have 100% job assistance and a proven placement track record. The SEO Service  fee is approximately Rs 50000.

SEO Service  Name- Advanced SEO Service  

The SEO Service  Curriculum includes the following

  1. Digital Marketing Essentials
  2. Lead Generation
  3. Website Building
  4. Web Analytics And Traffic Reporting
  5. Inbound Marketing With Content Writing
  6. Book Publishing
  7. Video Creation And Editing
  8. Social Media Marketing
  9. Facebook Instagram Twitter LinkedIn Quora Marketing
  10. Online Reputation Management
  11. Social Media Marketing Strategy And Planning
  12. Online Advertising
  13. Google Ads
  14. Different Social Media Channel Advertising
  15. Online Traffic
  16. Media Buying And Selling
  17. Keyword Planning And Research
  18. Introduction To Search Engine Optimization
  19. HTML For SEO
  20. SEO Content Writing
  21. Link Analysis & Off-Page SEO
  22. Sales Optimization
  23. Customer Persuasion Science
  24. Conversion Rate Optimization
  25. Multi-Touch Point
  26. Marketing Growth Hacking
  27. Earning As Affiliate Marketers
  28. Personal Branding
  29. Influencer Marketing 
  30. Freelance Marketing And E-commerce
  31. Marketing Interview Tips And Resume Preparation

Highlights of taking the Digital Marketing SEO Service  at Digiperform is that it has a Pan Vadodara  presence with more than 40 centers all over Vadodara .

They have an award-winning learning management system(LMS) with PowerPoint, recordings, self-help tutorials, forum case studies and reference materials that are available to the registered student. All the information on classroom training can be had through their contact number.

Contact 8527611500

Rank #9. SEO Service  in Vadodara 

NDMIT – National Digital Marketing Institute and Training Vadodara  4.3/5

The National Digital Marketing Institute and Training Vadodara  are one of the top 5 Digital Marketing training institutes in the city providing high-quality SEO Service  in Vadodara  with advanced study material.

There are 9 + certification, support from industry experts, an advanced tool based learning, and practical live training to grasp the concept of Digital Marketing exhaustively.

You can choose a SEO Service  according to your profession and abilities. The customized courses are for fresh graduates, working professionals, and entrepreneurs

NDMIT has it centres in Allahabad, Kanpur, Vadodara , Ahmedabad, Bhopal and Agra.

The master SEO Service  is available for Social Media Marketing, Google Ads And PPC Advertising, Search Engine Optimization. The SEO Service  duration is 50 hours and all the core elements of these topics are taught comprehensively.

The advanced Digital Marketing SEO Service  module contains 7 topics that include Email Marketing, Web Analytics, Ecommerce Website, Marketing Affiliate, and Adsense Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Google Ads, PPC, and SEO.

There is also a starter SEO Service  that gives you training on the Digital Marketing fundamentals and training on other important concepts of Digital Marketing. There is also Google Certification Training along with preparations for other certificates.

The overall SEO Service  topics include

  1. Introduction To Online Marketing
  2. Introduction To Website Creation
  3. Web Content Marketing
  4. Lead Generation And Conversion Optimization
  5. Online Reputation Management
  6. Introduction To Marketplace Selling
  7. Mobile Marketing
  8. Online Media Planning
  9. Online Marketing Strategy Creation

Address C19 / 15 E – 7P, Badshah Bagh Colony, Fatman Road, Sigra, Vadodara  Uttar Pradesh 221002 Contact 9811 335 081

Rank #10. SEO Service  in Vadodara 

Digital Vidya Vadodara  -4.3/5

Digital Vidya is one of the leading SEO Service  in Vadodara . It was established in 2009 by two IIT graduates Pradeep Chopra and Kapil Nakra. Since then it has only grown and developed.

Today it is one of the most sought-after courses on Digital Marketing has made its name as a Global institution that offers job-oriented Courses in Digital Marketing and its Modules. Their mode of training is online in virtual classrooms. as well as physical classrooms.

Digital Vidya is the primary institution that conducts workshops and live practical sessions on Social Media education. Since 2013 Digital Vidya has come up with a comprehensive program on Digital Marketing which is eminently known as the Certified Digital Marketing master program (CDMM)

The main Modules of the Digital Marketing Program at Digital Vidya are

  1. Search Engine Optimization 4 Modules
  2. Search Engine Marketing 5 Modules
  3. Social Media Marketing 5 Modules
  4. Email Marketing 3 Modules
  5. Inbound Marketing 4 Modules
  6. Web Analytics 4 Modules
  7. Other different areas 15 Modules

There are some specialized Modules as well that they provide knowledge on for you to become a T-Shaped Digital marketer. They are:

Facebook Marketing, How to Become a Freelancer in Digital Marketing, Content Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, Programmatic Marketing, E-Commerce listing, and Marketplace Selling, Integrated Digital Marketing Strategy, Media Buying, and Planning.

The Online SEO Service  spans over 4-7 Months and the classroom Training is for 3 Months. Online Training is provided on Weekend and Weekdays Batches.

There are 2 types of internships available with Digital Vidya that help you obtain first-hand experience of working in the Digital domain. The research-based internship is done with Digital Vidya and the Social Media Internship is carried out with NASSCOM.

This, in turn, helps you to strengthen your knowledge on how to implement the Modules on a day-to-day basis in the practical world.


70 + hours of classroom Training, 100 + hours of Online Training, 140 + hours of hands-on Assignments, more than 15 Industry Certifications, 100% Placement Support, 24/7 support for Doubt Resolution and Lifetime Access to Learning Management System

Contact – 08010033033

Most Common FAQs

  • What is the duration for SEO Service  in Vadodara ?

The duration for a comprehensive digital marketing program is around 3 to 6 months (12 weeks – 24 months). Practical assignments are also included in the course.

  • Who can take up a SEO Service  ? 

Anybody who wants to work in the digital marketing domain can opt for the SEO Service  in Vadodara  available. You do not need any particular educational qualification to enroll for the Digital Marketing program. This is why students, new career aspirants, entrepreneurs, sales professionals, retired persons, homemakers, bloggers, content writers, and video creators can take up this course.

  • How to get started with digital marketing? 

The first thing that you have to do is create a strong presence on the web. This would include setting up your website, having a content strategy in place, being active on social media channels, and interacting with potential customers on different digital marketing channels.

  • Are crash courses worth it in digital marketing?

You can take up crash courses in digital marketing. It will provide you with knowledge of the fundamental concepts. However, it is advisable to take up detailed courses that span for 3-6 months. You will get a 360 degree understanding of the concepts that way.

  •  What is the fee for SEO Service  in Vadodara ? 

The SEO Service  range can be very wide depending on the institute, the mode of training, and the brand name. The SEO Service  fee for a detailed digital marketing SEO Service  can be anywhere between Rs 25000 to Rs 35000.

  •  What are the different concepts covered in a SEO Service  ?

You have SEO, SEM, Google Analytics, content marketing, advanced blogging, digital media, Email Marketing, social media marketing among the main concepts covered in a SEO Service  .


The above SEO Service  in Vadodara offer high-quality education in digital marketing concepts like search engine marketing analytics mobile marketing social media marketing inbound and content marketing.

An extensive understanding of these concepts is a prerequisite for a successful digital marketing career. Not just the theoretical understanding, it is important to apply them rigorously on practical sessions. Make sure that the SEO Service  you apply for has plenty of live training.

Acquiring education and information on online marketing is the primary step to having a successful career in digital marketing. What you need is the implementation of these modules on a practical basis in life assignments. Once you start practicing them online you will have far greater chances of executive digital marketing strategy confidently.

Get SEO Services & Rank on Top Position

SEO Services That Convert Your Visit into Leads

SEO Scientists offers best SEO services in India. Are you tired of scratching your head and searching for the best SEO services near you? Do not worry as you have landed on the right page because here you will get the best and affordable SEO services. Here, with our creative managers and expert SEO team, you will get all the services you need for your internet. We have been in this business for many years and as a leading SEO agency, we have only one goal in mind – to ensure our clients rank high in their niche.

Having a prominent online presence is the only key to attracting the attention of potential customers and our SEO experts ensure this with their fast and latest SEO techniques that help to boost website rankings. If you are one of the potential service providers in the online market but you still lack effective and best SEO services strategies to promote your business. This means that you are really missing out on a great opportunity that could greatly benefit your online business.

SEO Scientists
SEO Company in Varanasi

Our SEO Services

Local SEO

works best if we have a Google Business Profile that can help with sales and services that go along with it

Technical SEO

It gives businesses the right tools to improve their marketing. We resolve all the technical issues on websites

WordPress SEO

Get #1 position on SERP with our comprehensive SEO strategies. Benefit from our organic ranking tactics.

E-Commerce SEO

Attracting potential customers and increasing sales on your website. Content is built around the products you offer and offers.

Youtube SEO

YouTube SEO is a strategy for optimizing channels and videos to improve their placement in search results.

SEO Audit

Our SEO auditors analyze the web pages of your website and determine whether they are search engine friendly or not.

SEO Company in Varanasi

Our Strategy to Secure #1 Rank on Google

Initial Consultation

Competitor analysis is at the heart of our strategy. We won’t take any further steps until we’ve analyzed your competitors’ SEO strategy.

Finding the “Right” keywords

With a “chosen” customer segment in mind, our SEO experts research keywords based on volume and complexity. We use premium SEO tools to accomplish this task.

On Page Audit

When performing an on-page audit, we measure the performance of your site on a variety of metrics. We regularly check and fix your website to stay ahead of the competition.

Content Marketing

Our team of content writers spends time learning what’s important to your customers and developing content based on that.

Backlink Submission

We find high DA/PA websites where we can leave a link to your site along with targeted keywords. As the number of backlinks increases, your site’s ranking jumps higher.

Bring the Traffic

If we fully implement our SEO strategy, your website will definitely get traffic. More traffic leads to more conversion, so our service benefits your business.

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